I have been horrible this week. Just plain irritable, emotional, short tempered, horrendous! You name it I have been it. Sadly, I think I am still in the throws of it now. Both of the kids have been sick which is just the pits. Runny nose, coughing, puking, 400 loose stool diapers a day makes for a type of exhaustion that could only be matched by running the Boston Marathon. To top it off my daughter is not one of those cuddly quiet sick kids, she fights the illness with everything in her and WHINES incessantly, following me around the house crying and hanging off my leg. I will set her all up with blankie, bubba, binky all cozy on the couch and then go in the kitchen to attempt starting dinner and within two minutes she is standing under my legs crying and reaching for uppie. So onto the hip she goes and we end up with a sore arm and a half hazardly thrown together meal. The point of this rant is that I am starting to admit that things can and do fall apart from time to time
We are having a very slow moving day today. Partly due to the fact, well totally due to the fact, that a entire bottle of Cupcake Red Velvet wine followed by a glass of my favorite boxed Merlot causes me to agonize over every single task this blah morning. Therefore the children are not dressed, neither am I and you know what? I don't care. Truth be told the kids seem just fine and dandy with the whole wear your pajamas to lunch trend I have started. I will walk the dog in my pajamas and wave to my neighbors looking like a total bag lady and who cares. I was spared the headache but must have exhausted all my energy last night pouring endless glasses of mommy's little helper for me and my bestie. Totally cool with that. The best part...undressed babies means cute little butt cracks all over this house. Adorable. Don't believe me?! Have a look. Love it. Noah is rocking his sweet mismatched PJ's because the kid simply refuses to wear anything that remote
Every time I go to Market Basket, or as I like to call it HELL ON EARTH, I pick up the New Hampshire Parenting magazine. I pick it up because one I am to cheap to subscribe to a real parenting magazine that is more then 5 pages long and two because maybe there will be a idea for something to do with the rug rats locally. In this particular edition the editors note was quite interesting...enough so that I was able to read it out loud to my husband and he didn't just nod and pretend to care while staring at the Ipod screen. It was about how the largest teachers union in New Hampshire recently banned field trips to the State House due to the fact that you are allowed to carry a gun while in the State House. Now hold your fire all my anti-gun parents out there, but this is just ludicrous. For years the State House has hosted a read-a-thon and many politicians and local celebs have come out to read to groups of kids that are there on school sponsored field trips. This will no long
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