
Showing posts from August, 2012

Hi my name is Michelle and I suffer from Hypochondria...

Alright, all of my family already know this and possibly some of my friends, but I am a true pussy when it comes to illness.  I mean MOST normal people do not enjoy getting sick.  Not only do I not enjoy being sick I hate it when anyone remotely near me or potentially near me is sick.  If I have been around you and I find out you have come down with something shortly after we have had contact, I will spend the next week convincing myself that I surely contracted whatever E bola virus you have been stricken with.  I feel a sense of doom usually reserved for people recently diagnosed with terminal illness.  SERIOUS, SEVERE, GOD AWFUL, PIT IN THE STOMACH (first sign of stomach illness BTW) FEAR.  It is debilitating. I can tell you in all honesty that when I was 7 months pregnant with Noah I suddenly realized that this precious, untouched, germless baby was going to be born and someday would get sick and puke.  PUKE, I said it, the one thing besides sn...