Quitting for me.
Lets see. How did I start smoking...I remember clear as day. All throughout high school you could not have met a bigger anti-smoking advocate. If I found a friend smoking the ration of shit that followed would scare them into the closet, and then their car would forever smell of Yankee candle car spray and stale nicotine. Or they would just deal with the annoying barrage of insults thrown their way about the smell, the cancer, the yellow teeth etc. I was the girl who cried, "I grew up with a smoker and it is disgusting and nasty and blah blah blah." Still a smoking virgin here. Fast forward to a breakup, graduating high school, and the impending move away from family and friends for college. Those were the ingredients I needed to make my excuse that I wanted, slash that, NEEDED a cigarette. The first pack of "butts" were amazing. It was like a legal buzz. The light headed feeling, the low hum in your ears, the impending lack ...