They are baaaackkkkk!

Well the kids are now home from their weekend at Grammy's and we are settling back in to our routine.  They both came home with a tad to much sugar in their systems so we have a little bit of pent up energy to get out before they hit the sheets. 
Big news for this week though is Bella has started to walk without the help of her little push lion!  This is great especially since we are worried about the sacral dimple and a possible tethered spinal cord.  Walking is a pretty good indicator that she is just fine and might just have a crooked little bum bum :)  Here is a video we took of her first trip across the kitchen floor!  (try to block out the obnoxious mama and dada in the background.)
On another note the hubs and I have completed this years taxes phewwww.  This year between living in Virginia working in Massachusetts and then buying our first house and moving to New Hampshire our taxes were a disaster and nothing that I would have even attempted to try to figure out on our own.  Granted I think 400.00 for a hours worth of work is a little ridiculous to say the least, I am just glad it is done!  Now we have a little extra cash to dump into this ancient house of OURS.  First thing getting replaced, the rotten skylights on the second floor that haven't been replaced since 1988!
Soooo anyways not much else for tonight but plenty in the near future about RSVPing or should I say the lack there of nowadays!  Time for beddy bye...night night.
Are we sick of the winter yet?????????  Sure enough!


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