Sick kids and how to be a jerk off at Walmart

My sick little girl :-(  Makes me sad

I have a sick little girl on my hands today.  There is nothing I hate more then when one of my kids is sick.  It is especially bad when they don't talk yet and you have to play detective to find out what is wrong with them.  I didn't have to try to hard this time since it was obvious that little Bell had gone and gotten herself a real nice summer cold fully equipped with a phlegmy cough, watery eyes and enough snot to sink a ship.  She is just miserable which leads to two things.  One,  is a very cranky, whiny, unhappy baby that wants to be held CONSTANTLY and two is LONG naps.  Without the long naps the awake time would be unbearable.  Nothing would get done.  I mean NOTHING.  A 30 pound baby girl on your hip like dead weight with her head on your shoulder soaking your shirt with boogies doesn't lend itself well to housework.  Nap time today has allowed for me to exhaust myself blowing up a kiddie pool, hang out a few loads of laundry, and make some mean potato salad.  Oh and bang out this blog post.  Aren't you lucky!!!
Poor thing is NOT A HAPPY CAMPER.

Another thing that makes me awesome. Today at Walmart, while my daughter cried and wiped snot on the handle of the shopping cart, I placed 22 items on the 20 or less conveyor and didn't even get mad when the douchbag behind me wanted to have a dirty looks contest.  I just said to myself, "Michelle.  You know if you wanted to you could kick her ass...shit you are jacked from carrying around this friggin baby all morning!"  Then I smiled and took out my checkbook just to be a REAL jerk off.  Have a nice day lady.  Enjoy that box of Tampons.  Hope it wasn't a emergency.


  1. Poor thing, she really does look miserable. I hope she gets to feeling better and you don't lose your mind in the process! :P I've so been there! I can't count the times I have gotten pissed at rude customers at Walmart, like they haven't the ability to empathize with what you're going through. How about they lend a hand instead of judging. Grrr....


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